Beauty Tips Rooted with TCM for Natural Skin

4 ways to eat Goji Berries 枸杞子

Jul 16, 2018

Goji Berries 枸杞子 in traditional chinese medicine

Goji Berries are commonly used herb in traditional chinese medicine because of its role in nourishing the liver and kidneys Yin energy (阴气)which is needed to maintain a healthy body as we age and our immunity is lower. The lack of liver and kidneys Yin (阴虚) will cause sallow and dry wrinkled skin and formation of pigmentation.

Goji Berries are an excellent source of antioxidants that help boost the immune system and protect the body from high levels of inflammation fighting free radical damage. They not only contain proteins and different amino acids, they contain 500 times more Vitamin C than oranges (weight for weight).

Goji contains high levels of Beta-carotene which helps to promote healthy skin and it is widely used to improve our eye health by preventing oxidative damage & age-related diseases of the eye.

Being a potent antioxidant & with its high nutritional content, it is also widely used in TCM beauty. The lack of liver and kidney's Yin energy causes sallow, dry and wrinkled skin. The lack of liver health also results in poor skin circulation and results in formation of pigmentation or 'liver spots' (黄褐斑). Regular consumption of Goji berries help to improve these pigmentation spots, lighten and brighten the skin complexion with its high Vit. C levels. 

Goji Berries in traditional chinese medicine

Here are 4 common ways to eat Goji Berries:

1) Eaten as a snack - the dried food can be eaten raw as it is, like raisins.

2) Added to tea - just add hot water and the infusion can be drank daily. Can be added to flower teas or other types of tea.

3) Added to soups/desserts - they can be added to boiled soups or desserts and eaten. They are mildly sweet and enhances the taste of the soup/dessert.

4) Soaked in wine - they can also be soaked in white rice wine for 14 days to impart its flavour and goodness to the wine. The wine is drank twice a day 10ml each time.